COSO has created and provided Fraud Risk Management Tools to help prevent and deter fraud from any company. In 2013, COSO created categories for 17 Principles and Components into 5 sections - Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring. Now COSO has created a fraud management tool for each of the 5 categories.
Read MoreTags: SOX, fraud prevention, COSO, COSO 2013, framework, fraud, sox coso framework
10 years ago today Enron Chairmen and CEO Kenneth Lay and CEO and COO Jeffrey Skilling were convicted. The top executives at Enron cheated investors and set a negative tone at the top. Enron overvalued assets and used complex accounting gimmicks like overestimating future income and cash flow. The FBI states that to date Enron was the most complex white collar crime investigation they have dealt with.
Read MoreTags: Enron, Jeffrey Skilling, Enron Scandal, 10 years ago, Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, COSO 2013, Keep Skilling in Jail, internal control 2013, sox and coso, 2013 coso internal control framework, sox coso framework, fbi, Kenneth Lay, 10 years, coso framework, coso sarbanes oxley
Tags: control reduction, compliance, COSO, COSO 2013
Controls needed to successfully adopt the new COSO 2013 Framework
By now, we have all started to become aware that the new COSO 2013 framework MUST be adopted by all publically traded companies by the end of their current fiscal year. There’s a great deal of material out there explaining what needs to be implemented yet, very few of those items (including the documents provided directly from COSO) explain HOW to actually make this implementation happen.
Tags: Internal Controls, examples, controls, audit, SOX, audit committee, COSO, COSO 2013, framework, documentation
Here's a quick tip on how your 10-K language may need to change to represent your compliance with the new COSO 2013 standards / Sarbanes-Oxley. Remember, this is due by 12/15/2014, it is not optional, and if you directly reference the 1992 guidance like most companies do, you will need to make this edit.
Tags: Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, Accounting Tip of the Day, Securities and Exchange Commission, Sarbanes-Oxley Training, Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, COSO 2013, SEC