We just read this great article from Fraud Magazine here is a snippet that we thought we'd share:
Accounting Tip of the Day: 10 Pointers for Fighting Fraud
Tags: Accounting Tip of the Day, audit, fraud prevention, fraud, corporate governance, audit deficiency
Tags: Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, Accounting Tip of the Day, audit, best practices, internal audit, sox compliance, Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, COSO 2013, corporate governance
Sam Antar: On Fraud & the Black Arts of White Collar Crime
Tags: Internal Controls, Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, segregation of duties, risk assessment, Announcements, SOX, external audit, SOX Compliance Made Simple, White Collar Fraud, Bay Area Accounting Professionals Mixer, Sarbanes-Oxley Training, internal control, risk management, Sarbanes-Oxley, external auditing, Internal Control Education, internal control tips, Sarbanes-Oxley for Non-Profits, corporate governance
Commissioner Luis A. Auiglar from the SEC recently released an article regarding the importance of corporate disclosure at annual shareholder meetings, and the connection between transparency and happy investors.
Tags: investing, BOD, political spending, leadership, proxy report, shareholder, annual shareholder meeting, Vibato, corporate governance, board of directors, educated investing