Congress Passes PCAOB Prohibition on Mandatory Audit Rotation

Posted by Teresa Bockwoldton July 12, 2013


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Tags: PCAOB News & Information, audit, congress, PCAOB

Jesse Jackson Jr.'s admits to violating campaign finance laws

Posted by Alex Roweon February 8, 2013

Jesse Jackson Jr. admits to violating campaign finance law, spending funds on things such as a $40,000 Rolex watch and personal travel expenses for a friend. His plea comes in response to a federal investigation which may have led to his resignation from his congressional seat in November 2012. Jackson wife, Sandi Jackson, could also potentially be charged in the case for receiving $5,000 a month as a ‘political consultant’. Depending on the decision of the federal judge, Jackson could be facing probation or possibly prison time.

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Tags: Internal Controls, campaign, congress, Jesse Jackson Jr., campaign finance, risk management, Sarbanes-Oxley, Vibato, fraud, government, federal investigation