Let’s face it, dealing with internal controls from time to time can be a headache and can certainly get out of hand. The power of an organized internal control structure yields a plethora of benefits in terms of cost efficiency, reduced workload, fewer headaches, and happier employees – You know what they say, Organized People Play™.
Tags: Internal Controls, segregation of duties, control reduction, SOX, auditing standards, audit costs, Controls Testing, SOX Compliance Made Simple, internal audit, Process Improvement, software, sox compliance, internal control, Sarbanes-Oxley, Vibato, audit scope, internal control tips
I found an interesting article from intuit relating to IT General Computer Controls (ITGCC) and what is the definition of a minimum requirement for a password to be accepted as 'complex.' According to the article from Intuit:
Tags: Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, Accounting Tip of the Day, ITGCC, Sarbanes-Oxley, Internal Control Education, internal control tips
Sam Antar: On Fraud & the Black Arts of White Collar Crime
Tags: Internal Controls, Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, segregation of duties, risk assessment, Announcements, SOX, external audit, SOX Compliance Made Simple, White Collar Fraud, Bay Area Accounting Professionals Mixer, Sarbanes-Oxley Training, internal control, risk management, Sarbanes-Oxley, external auditing, Internal Control Education, internal control tips, Sarbanes-Oxley for Non-Profits, corporate governance
1. Cover Up
2. Write Off
3. Illegal
4. Failed investment
5. Nobody will find out
6. Grey area
7. They owe it to me
8. Do not volunteer information
9. Not ethical
10. Off the books
Check out more at: http://tinyurl.com/az78o8g
Tags: Internal Controls, fraud prevention, Press Release, software, compliance, internal control, internal control tips, fraud, Ernst & Young, key words
There have been several questions asked by our clients and followers about the Jobs Act and how it applies to various companies in various situations. One question that came up yesterday was what if you are already a public company and your switching exchanges? We found this great questions and answers list from the SEC that should help clarify some details about the Jobs Act, your Sarbanes-Oxley / internal controls requirements and things you should consider relating to this piece of legislation:
Tags: Sarbanes-Oxley Articles & Information, Internal Control Education, internal control tips